Memoria Terra
Where can we find history?
It’s not always in the archives or written in history books. Our history is often passed on through memories.
Then where can we find memories?
Nowhere. You don’t find them; they’re not visible. Instead, you listen. Listen to the Terra (Earth in Portuguese) beneath your feet.
With that in mind, we welcome you to place your foot on these poems etched onto this street.
The 10,000 characters poems are made from the poems of the local poets from "Back Alley Poetry Club" - they themselves helped cut and lay out the road marking signs onto the street to be installed with torch fires. Ultimately, 2200 words covers the 200 yard pedestrian only street at the hearts of City heights.
The project was made in collaboration with The AjA Project, and as a Creative Corps fellow of 18th Street Center creative corps program supported by California Arts Council. Info