Apocatastasis (83mins/2021)written, produced and directed by Shinpei Takeda Synopsis-Aida is a lonely foreigner in Germany working as a dental assistant, living a paranoia that leads her to believe that radiation
Atomic Morphology (VR)
The original installation “Alpha Decay 7: To erase memories” was produced and exhibited at TJ in CHINA Project Space in Beijing, China in 2012. The drawings were based on the
Ghost Magnet Roach Motel – THE FILM
Ghost Magnet Roach Motel (70 minutes / 2016) Punk musical documentary film follows two American musicians, two Mexican artists and one Japanese filmmaker of Punkformance unit “Ghost Magnet Roach Motel” as
Memories from The Americas
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download : Memories from the Americas Interactive multilingual website in collaboration with United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Translations provided by Kyoto University of Foreign Languages
Self-Seismography (Autoseismografia) Video / Duration: 2:49 Year 2010
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download (73 mins / 2010) by Shinpei Takeda A a road movie follows two high school friends as they drive down from Canada to Mexico visiting 18 survivors of
The Closest Mexico to Japan
El Mexico mas cercano al Japon (The Closest Mexico to Japan) Directed and Produced by Shinpei Takeda (48 mins / 2008) The documentary reveals rather unknown history of Japanese community