7/13-8/10/2020 @Hypocenter Park, Nagasaki Sound vibration activated with AR App “Ground Zero” サイドイベント 爆心地よりー ウェブ配信ダイアログ #1 -テーマ:継承 朝長 万左男氏 (長崎県被爆者手帳友の会会長・医師)x 大瀬良 亮氏 (HAFH共同代表・ナガサキアーカイブ発起人) #2 テーマ:公と個の物語 青来 有一氏 (作家・元原爆資料館館長) x 中尾 麻伊香氏 (核の歴史研究者・長大) #3 テーマ:軍縮 吉田 文彦氏 (RECNA核兵器廃絶研究センター長) x 荊尾 遥氏(かたらお・はるか 元国連軍縮部職員) #4 テーマ:原爆とアート 長谷川 新氏 (インディペンデント・キュレーター)x 野中明(長崎県美術館チーフキュレーター)
Apocatastasis (83mins/2021)written, produced and directed by Shinpei Takeda Synopsis-Aida is a lonely foreigner in Germany working as a dental assistant, living a paranoia that leads her to believe that radiation
Alpha Decay : The Book
Book Title: Alpha Decay : How can contemporary art express the memory of A-Bomb Published in 2014 / 348 pages Publisher: Gendai Shokan >> to purchase
Hiroshima Nagasaki Beyond the Ocean
A book summarizing 8 years of investigations with atomic bomb survivors living in North and South Americas. Co-authored by Dr. Naoko Wake from Michigan State University. Currently available for purchase
Memories from The Americas
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download : Memories from the Americas Interactive multilingual website in collaboration with United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Translations provided by Kyoto University of Foreign Languages
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download (73 mins / 2010) by Shinpei Takeda A a road movie follows two high school friends as they drive down from Canada to Mexico visiting 18 survivors of
Nagasaki Xochimeh
Acrylic on wood, 7m x 22m @Entijuanarte 09, Tijuana Mexico / 2009 Collaboration with Gabriel Martinez (architect) & Marcela Quiroz (curator)