Apocatastasis (83mins/2021)written, produced and directed by Shinpei Takeda Synopsis-Aida is a lonely foreigner in Germany working as a dental assistant, living a paranoia that leads her to believe that radiation
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Beta Decay 5 Antimonument 3mx7mx8m, 2018 @Die Grosse 2018 Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
MoreBackground for Emigration/Immigration 3.4mx 22m, 2018 Latex paint on concrete/Osage Art Gallery, Hong Kong Artist statement Having grown up as an emigrant of Japan and immigrant in Mexico, Germany
MoreSHINPEI TAKEDA “ANTIMONUMENTO” – Instituto de Bellas Artes “El Nigromante, ” San Miguel de Allende, GTO Mexico 2/2/2018-4/20/2018
MoreThe original installation “Alpha Decay 7: To erase memories” was produced and exhibited at TJ in CHINA Project Space in Beijing, China in 2012. The drawings were based on the
More@12-14 Contemporary, Vienna/Austria La poesía del Samurai antimonumento Chronos / Kairos , la obra del artista japonés Shinpei Takeda se presenta por primera vez en Viena, en la galería Schleifmühlgasse 12-14. La pieza